It is our greatest pleasure to annonuce the publication of the followig 5 papers on the topic of AI-driven Autonomous Operations. Congratulation to the authors and best of luck in the presentations. You can find the papers open-access on arxiv.
Failure Identification from Unstable Log Data using Deep Learning
Bogatinovski Jasmin, Nedelkoski Sasho, Wu Li, Cardoso Jorge, Kao Odej
22nd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing IEEE Press New York
Leveraging Log instructions for Log-based Anomaly Detection
Bogatinovski Jasmin, Madjarov Gjorgij, Nedelkoski Sasho, Cardoso Jorge, Kao Odej
2022 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing IEEE Press New York
QuLog: Data-Driven Approach for Log Instruction Quality Assessment
Bogatinovski Jasmin, Nedelkoski Sasho, Acker Alexander, Cardoso Jorge, Kao Odej
30th International Conference on Program Comprehension ACM Press (Association for Computing Machinery) New York
A2Log: Attentive Augmented Log Anomaly Detection
Wittkopp Thorsten, Acker Alexander, Bogatinovski Jasmin, Nedelkoski Sasho, Scheinert Dominik, Fan Wu, Kao Odej
55th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science University of Hawaii at Manoa Hamilton Library USA 2022
Leveraging Reinforcement Learning for Task Resource Allocation in Scientific Workflows
Bader Jonathan, Zunker Nicolas, Becker Sören, Kao, Odej
2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data IEEE Press New York